Tata Nexon Topples With Passengers Inside — Here’s What Happened To The SUV

Generally, car owners are extremely upset after crashes, and understandably so. Exceptions do exist though. A Nexon owner, in this case Shreejith Kumar of Goa, who was recently involved in a crash that saw his brand new compact SUV rolling over, actually thanked Tata Motors. The owner posted on the Nexon owner’s group in Facebook, highlighting how his Nexon’s ‘Build and god’s grace saved him and his family‘.

How did it happen?

According to Mr. Kumar, he was driving his brand new Nexon someplace in Goa. Three others – his wife, 5 year-old and 7 month-old sons – were with him in the compact SUV. Mr. Kumar had to swerve sharply to the left to avoid colliding with a Tata Ace pick up truck coming from the opposite direction.

During the sharp swerve to the left, the front-left tyre that went off the road burst. And even as Mr. Kumar was regaining control of the car, a woman appeared suddenly on the road, causing him to steer off the road, this time to the right. A roadside ditch caused the Nexon to roll over.

Thankfully, Mr. Kumar and his young family in the Nexon escaped without a single scratch. He adds that no third party (in this case the people in the Tata Ace and the woman on the road) was injured in this crash. Currently, the Tata Nexon is at a dealership, awaiting repairs.

As the pictures indicate, the compact SUV seems to have taken the impact quite well. The roof hasn’t caved in, and the doors including the hatch lid were operable even after the crash. All in all, the solid build of the Nexon is likely to have saved the day for Mr. Kumar and family.

As the pictures indicate, the compact SUV seems to have taken the impact quite well. The roof hasn’t caved in, and the doors including the hatch lid were operable even after the crash. All in all, the solid build of the Nexon is likely to have saved the day for Mr. Kumar and family.

Cars with weak/unstable body structures often end up transferring the impact to the passengers of the vehicle, severely injuring or even killing them in the process. Also, supplementary safety devices such as airbags are useless in cars with weak body structures.
