What happens when a truck tries to save a cow [Video]

Our roads are filled with uncertainties and anything can happen while behind the wheels of a vehicle. Stray animals are among the biggest threat as they can appear suddenly and cause accidents. In fact, a lot of bike and car accident cases happen when the vehicle tries to save any animal that has come in front of them.

A shocking video from Junagadh, Gujarat is going viral on social media. The truck driver almost died to save a cow. The CCTV footage shows the truck driver nearly risked his life to save a cow and going by the video.

The video below portrays a similar example of how things can take an ugly turn because of these stray animals. Take a look at the video now before we discuss any further.

This incident happened on Junagadh-Mendarda road when the truck was coming in full speed while the cow was crossing the road. The truck driver not wanting any untoward incident quickly applied his brakes to save the life of the cow. The dramatic footage of the escape was captured on a CCTV camera nearby and has been shared online. 

As seen in the video, the truck nearly overturned on the road. What happens here is that a cow was passing the road. As you might know, these holy animals move at a pace of their own and change the direction suddenly without notice. Same happens here, as the cow almost reaches one end of the road and then stops. A truck was coming up fast on the road and the cow turns towards it and then moves back on the road. Now what may have caused it to do so is beyond the understanding of us humans. However, this move made by the cow makes things turn near fatal for the truck.

The unsuspecting driver is seems to be driving at a pretty good speed. When the cow stops at the road’s end he continues his pace as the cow was already out of the danger zone. However, when the animal turns back towards the road and moves forward a bit, in line of the approaching truck. Seeing the cow in its way, the truck driver applies full force on the brakes and the truck goes all sliding on the road. Due to sudden and heavy braking, the truck does a complete 180 degree degree sliding turn.

Source – Cartoq, Devesh Mishra.