The most dangerous countries in the world have been updated for 2018. Read our insights from the study and browse the rankings below.

The global level of peace has deteriorated by 0.27% over the last year according to the latest Global Peace Index (GPI) report.

The 12th edition of the report, the only statistical measure of its kind, makes it possible to rank 163 independent states based on how peaceful they are (or, conversely, how dangerous). The 163 states cover over 99.7% of the world’s population and are assessed using 23 indicators, each banded or normalised on a scale of 1-5.

The index, produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), measures global peace using three broad themes: the level of safety and security in society, the extent of domestic and international conflict, and the degree of militarisation.

Sort the table to view the ranking by either the most peaceful or the most dangerous countries in the world.


This is the fourth successive year that the global level of peace has deteriorated. A total of 92 countries are more dangerous than the preceding year while 71 countries are less dangerous. Additionally, this is the highest number of countries to deteriorate in a single year since 2010.

Syria remains the most dangerous country for the third successive year and has consistently ranked among the five most dangerous countries in the world since the start of its civil war in 2013.

Afghanistan, South Sudan, Iraq and Somalia are also ranked as some of the most dangerous countries in the world.