Funny Thread

In-flight farting: Passenger sends handwritten plea to air hostess

By Aanavandi

February 15, 2017

In-flight farting: Passenger sends handwritten plea to air hostess

Cape Town – Sharing an economy class flight with the best of fellow passengers can be a challenge – but things can easily turn sour if the passenger next to you is an arse. Literally.

One traveler recently went to the extreme – constructing a handwritten plea on his napkin and handing it to the air hostess to make an announcement – trying to stop a fellow passenger passing gas on his flight. The plea for help was then posted to Reddit by user Garwee20, who wrote: ‘My flight attendant mom got this napkin from an upset passenger.’

‘I don’t know if you can make an announcement,’ the note reads. ‘But if you can, you should say that whoever is farting in the areas of rows 10 to 12 should definitely see a doctor because they might have ass cancer’.

Reddit users immediately inquired whether the flight attendant eventually proceeded to make the announcement, and was rather disappointed to learn that nothing was done upon receiving the cry for help.

The poor passengers on the flight had to endure the rest of the flight in the farting company of the passenger in rows 10 to 12.

Reddit users started sharing their own in-flight farting experiences on the social media platform. User FrenchFriedMushroom wrote he was on an early morning flight once when his tummy started rumbling and he had to pass a little gas.

“It was so bad the stewardess actually loudly asked who was farting. A few minutes later we taxi into the de-ice area, when the plane is sprayed with that sweet smelling chemicals [disinfectant] they use.

“A kid a few rows in front of us loudly, and excitedly, shouted ‘Look mom! They’re spraying the plane with air freshener!’ I don’t think I stopped laughing till we arrived [at our destination].”