
കെട്ടിടങ്ങൾക്കിടയിലെ ഇടുങ്ങിയ വഴിയിലൂടെ ഒരു റെയിൽ ട്രാക്ക് – വീഡിയോ | Dangerous railtrack near homes in Hanoi, Vietnam

By Aanavandi

February 03, 2018

Dangerous railtrack near homes in Hanoi, Vietnam

There’s a residential street in Hanoi, Vietnam that a speeding train passes straight through twice a day. The street is so narrow that all residents must ensure their bikes and precious personal belongings, as well as their roaming children, are all safely inside the house before the train passes.

In Hanoi’s Old Quarter there is a narrow street that actually has a train rushing through it twice a day. Residents have to move out of the way when the train is approaching. The Old Quarter in Vietnam’s capital city Hanoi is a bustling area of small, narrow streets packed with hundreds of buildings with charming colonial architecture, Buddhist temples and pagodas all crammed next to each other.

Video – Shock Wave

As the name denotes, it is the oldest area of the town and has long been an important economic center.  In the Old Quarter area, the houses extend right up to edge of the streets and dangerously close to the railway track that cuts across the neighborhood on its way to the Long Bien Bridge. Could you imagine living here?