
KSRTC has only 11% of the transport market

By Sujith Bhakthan

March 15, 2013

Of the 46,620 buses in State, the KSRTC has only 5,803

As much as 89 per cent of the passenger transport operations in the State during 2010-11 was with the private operators and the remaining 11 per cent is with the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), according to the Economic Review 2012.

Though the total number of stage carriers in the State was 46,620, the KSRTC had only 5,803 buses. Out of the 5,803 buses, 1,672 buses are aged above 10 years. The gross revenue collection of the KSRTC showed an increase from Rs. 1,294 crore in 2010-11 to Rs. 1,555.72 crore in 2011-12. During the period, the KSRTC added 209 new buses to the fleet. Corresponding to the expansion of the fleet, the work force also got strengthened with the addition of 472 recruits from the Public Service Commission.

Lack of financial resources, no well defined criteria for selection of roads for improvements, poor vendor selection procedure, usage of outdated technology in construction methods, non-existence of control system, delay in land acquisition process, inadequate human resource development initiatives, poor monitoring system and lack of coordination with other departments had been identified as the issues and constraint facing the road sector.

Source: The Hindu