
Car Hits Student while Crossing the Road Carelessly; Shocking CCTV footage

By Aanavandi

November 10, 2019

Keeping your kids safe at all times can be tricky when you cannot be with them always. Parents ensure the safety of their child at home, and teachers or caretakers are responsible for the kid’s safety at school. But who keeps them safe on the road? Whether your children walk to school or take the bus, they should be taught about the rules to stay safe on roads.

Unlike adults, children do not have the maturity to know what to do and what not, when walking on the roads. Without adult supervision and proper knowledge of road safety rules, children can put themselves at risk.

When it comes to the safety of your children, you should not compromise. Teach about road safety for children as soon as they are old enough to step out of the house. Ensure that they understand what you are saying by practicing it with them.

While it is important for children to know about road safety rules and regulations, they should not be given more information than they can handle.

Car Hits Student while Crossing the Road Carelessly; Shocking CCTV footage

Your child may have to walk to school or the bus stop and back. They may only have to cross the street after the school bus drops them off. Even if they don’t, they may have to cross the street to get to a friend’s house or a neighbor’s. Whatever the case is, you should teach your kids to cross the road safely.

Teach your kids that they may not always be able to see an oncoming vehicle, especially if they are standing near a bend. Therefore, they should listen to know if a vehicle is approaching. Cars and other vehicles on the road often use the “horn” at bends and at unmanned intersections to indicate that they are nearing.

Children may not always have patience and may tend to run across the street to get to the other side. They may also run along the road in your neighborhood while playing. Tell your kids never to run across or along the road. Children can get distracted easily and leave their guardian’s hand to run or sprint away.

Teach your kids to stay calm on the road and never to run or sprint.

Teach your kids to use the sidewalk when walking on the road. Set an example for them by using the walking paths yourself. Whether it is a busy street or not, encourage your kid to use the sidewalk to stay safe on the road.

Kids have a tendency just to sprint across the street, anywhere they like. That can be dangerous as passing vehicles do not slow down unless there is a signal or a crossroad. Tell your kids to cross only at an intersection and use the pedestrian crossing. If they are in a small neighborhood where there is no crossroad or marked crossing, they should follow the rules mentioned above.

Lessons on pedestrian safety for kids are important and should be included in school curriculum as well.

Source – momjunction.com.