5 Ways To Detect When Your Child Is Having Issues At School

By Sujith Bhakthan

March 29, 2017

Parenting, though admired by many, is not always an easy task. Well, it could be simple especially when the child is still very young and is not being schooled yet.

The moment your kid steps out of the gate metaphorical and is off to school, the nightmare begins. There are ways to ease the transition into school, but in general, your kid is going to meet a lot of uncertainties. It is not easy to tell whether your problem child is stable at school or not. Most of the times, parents tend to assume that teachers are going to take care of their children. Nevertheless, this is not always the case. With such a large studying population, properly attending to an individual student is nigh impossible.

Normally, children don’t like to talk about what happens at school. It is your duty to monitor your child behavior to check for sudden behavioral changes that may denote an existence of an alarming situation. There are many kids with problems in their academic and social life. How can you identify when your child has issues, then? 1) A Sudden Drop In Grades How is the progress record? Is it consistent or fluctuating? Whether your kid is a good or an average performer, an abrupt downward slip of the child’s performance could be a vital indicator that something is amiss. Sometimes you may receive a phone call or a letter from the school raising concern about the sudden change in academic performance. With this, you will definitely know that your child needs some help. Most children will, however, resist talking about their challenges especially when they do not feel comfortable or when they feel embarrassed to. Talk to teachers or friends and you will be able to single out the underlying problem. 2) Reluctance When Going To School Is your kid reluctant when going to school? Has this persisted for some time? At times when a lame excuse is given against going to school, and you are forced to soft-talk your way in, take a step back and examine the situation.

It’s common to develop school phobia (or refusal) over time when minors get subjected to unfavorable conditions at school. It can be any reason why your child refuses going to school. Just simply the lack of time for studying or not coping with writing assignments. College students solve this tasks with the help of writing services help. They use www.customwriting.com to get quickly results on doing their writing assignments. Pupils need more support and help from their parents rather from outcome helpers.    

Bullying, among many other vices, can affect the desire to go to school and tends to develop impractical resistance to all things academic. Research shows that bullying causes depression, anxiety and a feeling of detachment, which affects the desire to have company and even activities. For this reason, you should identify the real reason for the repulsion and respond accordingly. 3) Abnormal Silence When you find your typically noisy kid cooling down faster than expected, there could be a problem. If this happens regularly, especially when the child is from or off to school, there is a reason for concern. Silence could be a serious indicator of self-denial due to the persistent undermining of individual’s self-respect. Awkward silence could also denote stress. The could be due to poor academic performance or threats from other pupils. The moment you notice this, you better act swiftly before it grows chronic and becomes a personality trait.

4) Difficulty Sleeping Has the sleeping pattern changed? Do you receive reports from teachers and other kids about lethargic behaviour? All these should shed some light into your mind about the child’s stability either in school or at home. A child may stay awake almost all night thinking about uncertainties or the challenges he or she regularly faces in school. These may adversely affect sleeping patterns which may lead to frequent oversleeping or sleeping in class. Be vigilant when it comes to these signs of sleeping disorders. Family therapy may be needed to restore the child’s condition. 5) Recurring Physical Injuries Injuries can occur. Even though these can occur due to natural causes, they are sometimes instigated by bullying as mentioned earlier. When it reoccurs several times, you should examine the real reason. Bullying may grow out of control, and at times children can get severely injured. Your child will not quickly reveal this to either you or the teacher, but the only way out of this predicament is to make your offspring tell you the truth.